Anniversaries are fun and so should be finding a gift! But we all know how finding the perfect present for someone who has it all, or when you’re on a tight budget, can become stressful, and quickly all the fun is gone!
Why not try something different and make something yourself? I promise this sweet and simple embroidered hoop will put a large smile on your friend’s face and you’ll be also having fun creating it!
Take your time, enjoy the process and have fun!
Disclaimer: This post might contain some affiliate links, you can find my full Disclosure Policy here.
PROJECT SIZE: 11cm x 7.5cm (4.3 x 3in)
STITCHES USED: Straight Stitch, Split Stitch, Satin Stitch, Long and Short Stitch, French Knot
The Friends pattern is a fun project that you can stitch even if you never threaded a needle before or even get your kids to stitch it. You’ll only need a few supplies and it doesn’t take too much time to stitch eighter. Once embroidered, you can add a mini easel for display and gift it to that special friend, or you can hang the hoop decoration in any room of your home.
- The Friends embroidery pattern – the PDF pattern for the Friends project is available to download in my Etsy Shop
- 100% Cotton or Linen Blend fabric
- Embroidery hoop 6in/15cm – I’m usually using the Elbesee brand
- FriXion Erasable Pen – for transferring the pattern onto the fabric
- Led Light Pad – lightbox for tracing the pattern onto light fabrics
- Embroidery needle – size 5 or 7 (DMC, Bohin or John James)
- DMC threads – Anchor conversion chart provided below
- Needlework Scissors – for cutting the thread
- Sharp Tailor Scissors – for cutting your fabric
- Dressmaking Zig Zag Scissors – prevents the fabric from fraying
- Iron – to remove any fabric creases * Optional
- HP ENVY Photo Printer – for printing your pattern * Optional
- Sticky Roller – for cleaning the fabric when done * Optional
Download the Free Pattern
Download the Friends embroidery pattern from my Free Pattern Library. To get access to the Free Pattern Library fill out the form below and I will send you an email with your password.
You can read more about my Free Pattern Library here.
Before tracing the pattern cut your fabric into a 10inch (25cm) square. I normally wash and iron it to remove any creases, without using the steam function.
1. Cut your fabric into a 10inch (25cm) square
2. Iron your fabric to remove any creases
To prevent the fabric from fraying, use a Dressmaking Zig Zag Scissors and give it another trim.
3. Create zig-zagged margins for your fabric
4. Use Zig Zag Scissors when cutting your fabric
Download the Friends pattern from my Free Pattern Library. To get access to the Free Pattern Library fill out the form below and I will send you an email with your password. You can read more about my Free Pattern Library here.
Once you have downloaded the pattern, print the Cut and Trace file on A4 paper.
The pattern you have downloaded is full size, so when printed on the A4 paper will have the exact size to fit into a 6inch hoop. You just need to have the Fill Entire Paper option selected.
Note: If you do not own a printer, you can just trace the pattern on A4 paper, then trace it onto your fabric using one of the methods explained below.
My favorite method for manually tracing patterns onto fabric is by hand, using a Lightbox under the fabric and the pattern design. I find this as the fastest manual tracing method.
To transfer the Friends pattern manually using a lightbox, you can use this simple method:
1. Trace the pattern using any erasable or washable tracing pen. The finer the tip, the better! This way your traced lines will be thin enough and completely covered by the stitches later on.
2. Continue tracing until you copied the entire daisies pattern onto your fabric.
Place your fabric over the inner hoop, then place the outer hoop on top of both. Push the outer hoop down until it slips under the inner hoop. Then tighten the screw and stretch the fabric.
You might need to repeat this until the fabric is really tight. For needle painting this is a very important aspect, you need your fabric to be drum-tight.
TIP: When you stretch the fabric always do so on the straight grain, otherwise the fabric will overstretch and look distorted.
1. Place your fabric over the inner hoop
2. Push the outer hoop down and tighten the screw
This pattern can be stitched in any color palette you can imagine. I used a happy vivid color palette, but please feel free to create your own magic and play with the colors of your choice.
If you wish to create your own color palettes I wrote a helpful guide on How to create your own color palette or you can have a look at other Color Palettes I created for your inspiration.
For the entire work, I used DMC stranded cotton. It’s your choice if you prefer one brand over another, both DMC and Anchor manufacturers offer good-quality stranded cotton in a wide variety of colors. If your brand of choice is DMC, please use the thread colors below. I also included a conversion chart DMC to Anchor and DMC to HEX RGB (in case you decide to use the pattern for digital display works).
NOTE: Please bear in mind that a perfect color match between brands is not really possible.
Golden Brown Pale | Cornflower Blue Light | Cyclamen Pink | Coffee Brown Dark | Black | Blanc |
3827 | 794 | 3805 | 801 | 310 | White |
If you plan to use this color palette for digital display works (TV, computer, tablet or smartphone) use the RGB HEX values from the chart below.
#F7BB77 | #8F9CC1 | #F3478B | #653919 | #000000 | #FFFFFF |
The Friends pattern was stitched with two strands of thread for the outlines – whenever you use black thread you will need to separate it into two strands. For all the rest you don’t need to do anything, just use all six strands.
Use this simple method to separate the DMC 310 thread:
The stranded cotton embroidery thread is made up of 6 strands. For a finer delicate outcome, you need to split the thread and use just two strands for the entire work.
In order to separate your thread, pull out and cut about 30-40cm length of thread from the skein, more or less the distance between your fingers and your elbow. Separate two strands and thread your needle. Use a needle size 5-7.
1. Cut about 30-40cm of thread
2. Separate two strands
3. Pull the separated strands while firmly holding the rest
4. Thread your needle (size 5-7)
For the entire work use six strands of thread. For the outlines – whenever you use black thread, use just two strands of thread.
OUTLINES: Outline the silhouettes with Split Stitch using DMC 310 (Black)
DRESSES: Fill the pink dress using DMC 3805 (Cyclamen Pink), fill the blue dress with DMC 794 (Cornflower Blue Light). For both use Long and Short Stitch.
DRESSES DETAILS: Fill the heart and collar with Satin Stitch, add the details on the blue dress using Straight Stitch. For both use DMC Blanc.
HAIR: Fill the blonde hair with DMC 3827 (Golden Brown Pale), fill the darker hair with DMC 801 (Coffee Brown Dark). For both use Long and Short Stitch.
TEXT: Stitch the text with Straight Stitch using DMC 310 (Black). Add a few details between each letter using French Knot and alternate between the colors used before.
1. Start by filling the pink dress with Long and Short Stitch using DMC 3805 (Cyclamen Pink). Do not stitch the heart and collar as you’ll fill them later.
2. When you finished stitching the dress, fill the heart and collar with Satin Stitch using DMC Blanc
3. Stitch the hair with Long and Short Stitch using DMC 3827 (Golden Brown Pale)
4. Outline the silhouette with Split Stitch using DMC 310 (Black)
5. Switch to the right-hand side and fill the blue dress with Long and Short Stitch using DMC 794 (Cornflower Blue Light)
6. Add in the white details with Straight Stitch using DMC Blanc.
7. Fill the hair with Long and Short Stitch using DMC 801 (Coffee Brown Dark)
8. Outline the silhouette with Split Stitch using DMC 310 (Black)
9. Stitch the text with Straight Stitch using DMC 310 (Black)
10. Add a few dot details between the letters with French Knot using DMC 794 (Cornflower Blue Light)
11. Add other dots using French Knot, alternating between the vivid colors used before – DMC 3805 (Cyclamen Pink)
12. Add more dots details using also DMC 3827 (Golden Brown Pale)
Yayyyyy!! Stitching is done, just a few more steps until you wrap up this cutie!
I would love to see your progress and the colors you chose! Tag @makenstitch on Instagram and hashtag it #makenstitch so I can see your magic!
Just one more step before you can show off your beautiful creation or gift it to your special friend!
At this point, it’s up to you how you would like to display your embroidered pattern. You could take out your embroidery and frame it using any photo frame or a display hoop, but in both cases, you will have to finish the back of your embroidery.
The easiest method for finishing the back of your hoop is to use a Running Stitch and if needed cut out the excess fabric.
If you decide to leave it in the same hoop you stitched the pattern a great way to display it is using a mini-easel. You can find them on Amazon or any craft store, and they look so cute!!!
Congratulations! You have successfully completed this tutorial!
I really hope you enjoyed this tutorial and please let me know in the comments below if you have any questions or suggestions about stitching the Friends pattern.
Did your friend like it? I would love to hear about it! Don’t forget to tag @makenstitch on Instagram and hashtag it #makenstitch so I can see your cute creation!
You can download the Friends embroidery pattern from my Free Pattern Library. To get access to the Free Pattern Library fill out the form below and I will send you an email with your password. Read more about my Free Pattern Library here.
The downloaded pattern can only be used for personal projects.
- Sakura Tree Embroidery Decoration Tutorial
- Daisies Embroidery Decoration Tutorial Free Pattern
- Cherry Blossom Embroidery Tutorial Free Pattern
- Peculiar People Embroidery Decoration Tutorial
- Friends Hand Embroidery Pattern
Did you try this pattern? Tag @makenstitch on Instagram and hashtag it #makenstitch so I can see your magic! Or even better, come say hello on our Facebook Group!
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