Welcome to the last and more exciting part of our project, the Floral Alphabet – Stitching the Flower! Today we’ll be finally stitching the flower and get this beautiful embroidery done. Make sure to check out the other articles where we stitched the leaves and that beautiful padded letter. Let’s get started!
Here is a short video where I’m stitching a few petals. Regardless of the letter you’ll be stitching, you can use the exact same process when stitching your flower.
STITCHES USED: Long and Short, Split Stitch, and French Knot
Before starting I want to share with you a small trick I’m using for speeding up my stitching. Of course, hand-embroidery is all about winding down and enjoying the process, but once I reach that flow state I really dislike stopping to thread my needle with a different shade.
What I usually do is thread a few needles with all the shades I’ll be using for the needlepainting piece I’m working on. This is a great way to switch between shades much faster and in the end enjoy the process more.
For the entire flower we’ll be using just 1 strand of thread, regardless the shade. When stitching the final French Knot details, when we’ll be using 4 strands of thread.
1. Before starting to stitch the flower, first outline all petals with Split Stitch. Use 1 strand of thread and DMC 498.
2. Starting from the outside, fill the petals sitting at the back with Long and Short Stitch using DMC 351, DMC 350, and DMC 498.
3. Continue filling the next petal with Long and Short Stitch using DMC 352, DMC 351, DMC 350, and DMC 498.
4. In the same manner fill the next petal starting from the outside using: DMC 351, DMC 352, DMC 350, DMC 498.
5. Fill the next petal using DMC 352, DMC 351, DMC 350, and DMC 498. Start from the lightest shade to the darkest.
6. Fill the next petal using just 3 shades: DMC 351, DMC 350, and DMC 498.
7. Start filling the first row of the next petal from the outside, using the lightest shade DMC 352.
8. Fill in the second row with Long and Short Stitch and DMC 351.
9. Fill in the third row with Long and Short Stitch and DMC 350.
10. Fill in the fourth row with Long and Short Stitch and the darkest shade of red DMC 350.
11. Fill in the next petal using DMC 352, DMC 351, DMC 350, and DMC 498.
12. Fill in the last petal using DMC 352, DMC 351, DMC 350, and DMC 498.
13. Outline all petals with Split Stitch and DMC 815. Use 1 stand of thread.
14. Add a few French Knots in the middle of the flower. Use 4 strands of thread and DMC 815.
Congratulations! Your floral letter is now ready for gifting or display!
I really hope you enjoyed stitching this beautiful pattern and please let me know in the comments below if you have any questions or suggestions.
If you’re new to embroidered letters, you can check out my other article on how to embroider letters for beginners, where we’ll explore some of the most suitable stitches for lettering.
If you’re looking for more flower inspiration, don’t miss out on the flower coloring pages article. Even though they’re not exactly embroidery patterns, you can totally tweak them for a cool needle painting hand embroidery project and use the same technique covered in this tutorial.
Remember you can download the entire alphabet to create lovely gifts for really any occasion – anniversary, wedding, graduation, birth, birthday, or just a nice decor piece for your home.
You can download the entire Floral Alphabet from my Etsy Shop and you can use a special discount code available just for my lovely readers.
*Just enter MAKER20 at checkout to get your 20% special discount!
Did you try this pattern? Come over to our Facebook Group and show everyone your magic!
What combination are the buds and stems for them?
Hi Heather,
Buds: DMC 352, DMC 351, DMC 498
Stems: DMC 3371, DMC 498
I used 1 strand of floss for them. But the stems can be stitched in 2 strands. Hope this helps!